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lizardry 3



Hector and Guinevere (above)
Other 3 Gladys and Angharad

It is assumed that scaled creatures have no sense of touch, but there are many examples of the Wall Lizards observed at this site (Podarcis muralis nigriventris) deliberately lying against each other and therefore probably getting some satisfaction from the pressure of contact. The four situations shown above were taken while they basked, and not after mating.

When Agravain was recovering from a second tail loss in two months, he sought out Guinevere and lay across her. She seemed comfortable with the situation in these July 23 pictures.

Next day, July 24, he lay with his tail across her back… and on Aug 3 he nestled his chin onto her back. It is worth noting that they had mated March 31, lay together May 3 when she was gravid, and basked together in August.

I think they deliberately chose each other.


The first contact in mating is made by the male,when he bites the female at the base of her tail. If she accepts they proceed to mate. Occasionally he is refused, which she signifies by biting him back.

Tristram bites Guinevere……..note her waving forelegs…and his left foreleg….. behaviour often considered submission but which I have seen many times when the lizard is alone, for example settling into a new position.

Gawain and Anna

Hector and Gladys

Gawain and Gladys

Hector and Angharad

I think the bite is more of a psychological trigger than an act of aggression, in the same way that a friendly dog with a mouthful of big teeth can mouth your hand firmly but without doing any harm.

Pendragon and Gladys


Mating is short and sweet, and very active. I have seen 22 matings and none of them lasted a full minute.

Bedivere and Angharad

Modred and Guinevere

Gawain mating with Clarine.

Tails often arch when mating.

Gladys seems always ready to mate. Last summer she was hunting around the potting table, when Gawain approached her. They mated at 11:17 while clinging onto the wall above the potting table (left above).

Then at 11:40 a visiting male came down out of the ivy, mated immediately with her (right above) and was never seen again.

Males have two penises, using which ever one is convenient in the mating tangle. But they are not very robust, and after the 11:17 mating, Gawain was unable to lie flat on the planking, arching his tail and easing a knee under his bruised genitals.

He then used a bolt in the potting table for further elevation.

All photos copyright Raymond Wergan.

Lizardy Abroad in April

Look out for Lizard Watch 4 at the end of May, dealing with their use of the tail as a fifth limb, as seen recently in Burgundy where the tail helps a French wall lizard cling to a vertical surface.

Pix Richard W.